Textbook Sales Policies
General Information
Textbooks, workbooks and supplies like goggles and P.E. uniforms, are sold to students in grades 6–12 only.
What Book To Purchase?
Each year the Hard Copy Textbook Bulletin, published in May, lists all books, workbooks, etc. required for each course. You may purchase these items from the Saint Shop or from another vendor. English novels, AP level and some honors level textbooks are not sold in the Saint Shop and must be purchased elsewhere. The Online Textbook Bulletin lists the fees for each online course. These fees are billed through the business office. The Middle School or High School Program of Studies and your class schedule can be used to help you navigate the Textbook Bulletin.
Rental Textbooks
Several courses in Middle School and High School use a rental textbook. In Middle School, these rentals are issued by the teacher and families will be billed a low rental fee through the business office. In high school, families will need to rent their textbook by purchasing online or in store. All rental textbooks are due back to the Saint Shop after exams in May. Families will be billed a replacement fee for textbooks that are lost or damaged beyond use.
If you have any questions about textbooks, please call the Saint Shop at 901-751-6413.